
Viviamo In Una Società Joker

Joker Ma Quindi Viviamo Veramente In Una Societa Perleaipirla

Joker Ma Quindi Viviamo Veramente In Una Societa Perleaipirla

Joker Ot Viviamo In Una Societa Spoilers Resetera

Joker Ot Viviamo In Una Societa Spoilers Resetera

Merritt K Auf Twitter The Joker Is Maybe The Worst Movie I Ve

Merritt K Auf Twitter The Joker Is Maybe The Worst Movie I Ve

Joker Ot Viviamo In Una Societa Spoilers Resetera

Joker Ot Viviamo In Una Societa Spoilers Resetera

Arriva Al Cinema Joker Con Gli Occhi Tristi E La Risata

Arriva Al Cinema Joker Con Gli Occhi Tristi E La Risata

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1 joaquins phoenix s performance is brilliant.

Viviamo in una società joker. Cut to arthur in a white room talking to a therapist. She asks him what he s laughing about and he says a joke that she wouldn t understand. Next shot is a hospital hallway and arthur is walking down it with bloody feet. It would also make sense that this joker knows batman is bruce wayne and in his fantasy he created batman.

Hello everyone i could finally saw joker last night and i have some points to consider. Thr joker even with a realistic portrayal is the joker by the middle of the movie till the end and even of its not gonna happen i wouldnt actually mind if this was part of the universe because apart from the years apart of bruce and joker it could totally work. In regards to the joker not being smart the key tenet of the joker is his ability to sow chaos and manipulate people through pain. I like a joker that is unpredictable especially the scene when you don t know whether or not he was going to kill that dwarf.

The representation of a mentally disordered patient taken to the limit by the structure of society is really perfectly executed. Joker wakes up after on the good of the police car as a crowd of people in clown makeup surround him and cheer. The joker in this was solely portrayed as a victim of society which i m not sure is something i personally liked. Being smart is not a pre requisite and arguably makes him more interesting than the genius villainy trope.

The sympathetic arthur was one conjured up by the joker and his rise to hero was his own delusion. Also it s slower than i had anticipated bitcwhen things heat up it gets intense.

Joker Mi Bu S World

Joker Mi Bu S World

Giorno S Rise Up Shitpostcrusaders

Giorno S Rise Up Shitpostcrusaders

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Viviamo In Una Societa Itaglia

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Perche Todd Phillips Con Joker Ha Colto Nel Segno Piu Di Quanto

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Vediamo Se Capite Al Volo Questo Meme

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